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dokumentARfilm Media Library – Stream our Films!

Our media library provides you with all Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH media for the teaching of History and German. Browse through our media collection, select your preferred licence and benefit from features such as setting up playlists and teaching groups to share content with your pupils.

Media Library

License Overview


Enthralling and instructive – our films about history and literature

Does history fascinate you? Do you love literature? Then get to know our DVD film series, “Interactive History” and “Interactive German Literature”. Here you’ll find everything you want to know from the prehistory of mankind to reunification, from Grimmelshausen to Grass. Thoroughly researched, clearly structured, well told, and critically evaluated—that is what makes learning fun. Thanks to the teaching materials, our DVDs are also ideally suited for classroom teaching.

Interactive History – more information and film clips

Interactive German Literature – more information and film clips

Didactical Material – more information

iPad mit interaktivem iBook

Mobile Learning – our interactive books

In the classrooms of the future, school books, notepads, and blackboards will no longer be sufficient. The tablet is the ideal tool for our next generation’s teaching needs. It reaches students where they already feel most at home in their daily interactions with modern media. That is why in 2014 we too began exploring new ways of transmitting knowledge and telling history. Our first interactive textbook about the history of the USA is a multimedia experience that has been met with the enthusiasm of not only children and adolescents but adults as well.

Our iBooks textbooks – find out more

Coverbild Museumsbooklet 2012: Ausstellungen – neu denken, anders gestalten

Experience history – our exhibitions

Exhibitions offer the chance to make topics particularly tangible. Our team of creative minds pulls out all the stops. With films and interactive media, models, information plaques, and exhibits, we transform exhibit spaces into rooms full of experience. In this way, visitors can interact directly and up close with a particular topic. We are happy to undertake the entire project management or to design partial areas of an exhibition according to your needs and wishes.

Our exhibitions – find out more

Dreharbeiten zu "Die großen Schlachten (2):1631 – Das Massaker von Magdeburg

Entertaining history television – our TV productions

The Sack of Magdeburg during the 30 Years’ War—the formation of Nationalism in the 19th century—the plight of spinners and weavers during early industrialization: these are some of the topics that Anne Roerkohl, as a screenwriter, has realised as feature films for broadcasters ARD and arte. At the same time, her company has realised its own TV productions on controversial topics such as forced labourers in Nazi Germany and the Dolchstoßlegende (the ‘stab-in-the-back myth’ of the Supreme Army Command).

Our TV productions – find out more